Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The last several weeks have had that smell...you know the one...the smell every spring when the cherry blossoms are at their peak and the lilacs are coming into bloom.  I walk in the evening and just as I turn the corner I see the light post with the beautiful glass lamp buried in the blossoms way up high, glowing pink, and I breathe.  I    B R E A T H E   D E E P...again and again and again.  I can't get enough of the smell.  It brings me back... back to a time...a carefree time of laughter and playing, getting dirty, building forts in the woods, staying up too late and loving every minute of it.  A time of dreaming...such good dreams.  I love this smell.  I love it when it gets carried by the wind which lovingly drops it at my door.  I'm thankful for this smell and how it fills my soul.

Keep dreaming!


  1. What a beautiful color and a beautiful photo of those lilacs!

  2. What a lovely post!! You've taken me back to my youth! Those long summer nights of playing in the neighborhood til our parents decided to let us back in the house...just in time to go to bed!!!! (They were thinkers weren't they?)

    Have a great week girlfriend!
